
municipal code enforcement database application

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Propert units


Create a user interface which allows internal users AND folks filling out an occupancy permit application to create unit objects and link them to a particular property in the database

Example: I have a rental duplex. It’s property is 300 Gas Line Way. It has two units: A and B. Unit B’s address is actually 280 Gas Line Way since it has a separate door. When I apply for a permit, I want to be able to enter in each unit into the system and register them as rental units.

Work steps

  1. Study search for properties page used in the ce action request flow requestCEActionFlow_chooseProperty.xhtml You’ll want to start with this page, allow the user to select a property. Dump that property into a new member variable on the SessionBean
  2. Study the PropertyUnit class which already exists. Its member variables map to the database columns of the propertyunit table.
  3. Study existing methods on PropertyIntegrator related to units. There are two unfinished methods that you can write: updatePropertyUnit and deletePropertyUnit
  4. Flesh out the page called unitManage.xhtml and build your GUI on this page. So, the user selects a property and then the next button should send the user to unitManage.xhtml and its backing bean should know what property is currently active.
  5. On this unitManage.xhtml we want a data table of all existing units already registered on the property (use the appropriate method on the PropertyIntegrator called getPropertyUnitList). Then give the user a button for adding a new Unit. Supply the necessary fields to load up each of the member variables on PropertyUnit business object.
  6. When the user clicks a submit button, write the unit to the DB in the integrator class and update the table for the user

Study the textBlockManage.xhtml page as a reference: This page combines data table of current text blocks (paragraphs), an add form, and an update form. Notice the use of the <p:ajax... primefaces tag for ajax updating fields. Read about prime faces ajax on line.