
municipal code enforcement database application

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User-Muni association mini-project


Create a faces page that allows the user to assign system users to municipalities

Work process

  1. Studying the tables and classses associated with user authentication: find any references to these tables in the integrators. Using full-project find tool in NetBeans is handy (control + shift + f). There currently is an integration method called getUserAuthMunis() which returns the listing of muni-user mappings. Building interaction with this data is the project.

  2. Familairize yourself with the two methods which return a ArrayList objects. These lists of Municipality objects are passed into all sorts of select one UI elements. For example, the main muni list which we can see in missionControl.xhtml is wired up in the template facelets page called [navContainer_restricted.xhtml](/blob/src/main/webapp/restricted/navContainer_restricted.xhtml "nav conatiner")

     <p:selectOneMenu id="muniSelectMenu" tabindex="1" value="#{missionControlBB.selectedMuni}">
         <f:converter converterId="muniConverter"/>
         <f:selectItem itemLabel="select one..." noSelectionOption="true" itemDisabled="true"/>
         <f:selectItems id="muniNameList" value="#{sessionBean.facesUser.authMunis}" var="m" itemValue="#{m}" itemLabel="#{m.muniName}" />

    Zooming in on the value for the selectitems, we see


    Which sais: go to the java class called SessionBean, find the property called FacesUser, which stores a User object. The user has in it an ArrayList of Municipality objects, which is what the <f:selectItems... knows how to read and display as a list of Strings for the user to select. (facesUser is in the BackingBeanUtils!)

    This list of Municipality objects comes from the UserIntegrator class’s getUserAuthMunis(int id) method. Study this:

  3. Notice that there is a method on the MunicipalityIntegrator class that will return a complete list. This will be handy creating your mapping.

     public ArrayList<Municipality> getCompleteMuniList() throws IntegrationException{
  4. Start in the UserIntegrator class and write setUserAuthMunis() method that probably takes in a User object and a Municipality object, extracts the IDs from each, assembles an INSERT statement in SQL, and executes it.

  5. Build the pair of files: the backing bean class, and the facelets page (.xhtml). A good pair to start with is the facility for working with text blocks: textBlockManage.xhtml and the backing bean class: TextBlockBB

Design ideas:

Notice that the r sent in the parameter comes from the assigning of the object used to create each row the arbitrary variable name r in the header for the <p:dataTable... component
