
municipal code enforcement database application

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Coding norms

A hodgepodge of notes made during development that probably should be sorted into domain-specific pages but live here for review by developers.

BOb Coordinators and the Search Coordinator

Coordinators should be asked for default Query objects, and that coordinator then sends the appropriate Enum of the QueryType to the initQuery variant in the SearchCoordinator who creates a Query object and populates it with appropriate SearchParam objects

Searching permissions

searchForXXX methods on Integrators should not require any user-level info for authentication purposes. User-specific search settings should be configured as needed down in the SearchParams objects. The runQuery method family requires a credential and a query, and will be responsible for checking permissions and logging all query runs

auditXXX methods

auditXXX methods are responsible for checking the state of objects after configuration or before key events, like insertions. Their return types should all be void and instead communicate problems by throwing a logically typed Exception subclass containing a useful error message that will eventually get passed all the way back to the user.

fidelity to scope hierarchy

avoid calling integrators in backign beans scoped to view or narrower

calling integrator in backing bean

Coordinator versus Integrator method names

To differentiate between direct database operations that represent the base level function and Coordinator logic controls, the following norms of naming can help make roles clear Coordinators createFoo > Integrators updateFoo Coordinators editFoo > Integrators updateFoo Coordinators deleteFoo > Integrators inactivateFoo Coordinators nukeFoo > Integrators deleteFoo

Linked objects

Linking table standard

A unified linking structure exists to allow reuse of methods for reading, writing, and deactivating linking records. The citationhuman table represents fidelity to this standard:

CREATE TABLE public.citationhuman
  linkid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('citationhuman_seq'::regclass),
  human_humanid integer,
  citation_citationid integer,
  linkedobjectrole_lorid integer,
  source_sourceid integer,
  createdts timestamp with time zone,
  createdby_userid integer,
  lastupdatedts timestamp with time zone,
  lastupdatedby_userid integer,
  deactivatedts timestamp with time zone,
  deactivatedby_userid integer,
  notes text,
  CONSTRAINT humancitation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (linkid),
  CONSTRAINT citationhuman_lorid_fk FOREIGN KEY (linkedobjectrole_lorid)
      REFERENCES public.linkedobjectrole (lorid) MATCH SIMPLE,
  CONSTRAINT humancitation_citationid_fk FOREIGN KEY (citation_citationid)
      REFERENCES public.citation (citationid) MATCH SIMPLE,
  CONSTRAINT humancitation_createdby_userid_fk FOREIGN KEY (createdby_userid)
      REFERENCES public.login (userid) MATCH SIMPLE,
  CONSTRAINT humancitation_deactivatedby_userid_fk FOREIGN KEY (deactivatedby_userid)
      REFERENCES public.login (userid) MATCH SIMPLE,
  CONSTRAINT humancitation_humanid_fk FOREIGN KEY (human_humanid)
      REFERENCES public.human (humanid) MATCH SIMPLE,
  CONSTRAINT humancitation_lastupdatdby_userid_fk FOREIGN KEY (lastupdatedby_userid)
      REFERENCES public.login (userid) MATCH SIMPLE,
  CONSTRAINT humancitation_sourceid_fk FOREIGN KEY (source_sourceid)
      REFERENCES public.bobsource (sourceid) MATCH SIMPLE

Standard linking table features